International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

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  • Slovenia - Economic and Social Council

Slovenia - Economic and Social Council

20 Gregorčičeva ulica, Ljubljana 1000, Ljubljana

Business Details

Institutional characteristics

1. Establishment

- Date of creation: June 1st 1994 (1st constitutional session

- Year operational: 28

- Nature of the texts that create the institution (Constitution, law, decree, etc.): 

adoption of the Wage Policy Agreement for the non-government sector (signed on April 25th 1994)


- Have any changes in recent years happened concerning the nature, membership, capacities of the Institution.

Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council in 2017

Amendments of The Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council in 2019.


2. Mandate

Consultation and advisory ☐

Negotiation ☐

Both ✅


3. Mission and attributions

In addition to its advisory role, the ESC has a key role in negotiations for social agreements and wage policy agreements. The ESC examines draft legislation covering the entire spectrum of economic and social relations between employers and employees. The ESC also examines strategic development papers put forward by the government, such as Slovenia's development strategy and the economic and social reform package to enhance the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy.

The Government consults the social partners already in the early stages of preparation of drafting of documents. This work is done mostly in the expert groups, which all the social partners consider very useful.

The ESC is also active regarding international cooperation with European Economic and Social Committee, other national economic and social councils, ILO, etc.


4. Composition :

- Number of members: 24. The ESC's tripartite composition shall reflect the equal representation of all three partners. Each of the partner (3) can have up to eight members; currently 22 members (7 government and employers’ associations, 8 trade union confederations).

- Duration of the term: 1 year

- Membership categories: representatives of the government, trade union confederations and employers’ associations


- Process of designating the members (election, nomination, by whom, etc.):

The representatives of employees shall be appointed by Trade unions associations or confederations that are representative at the national level. The representatives of employers shall be appointed by associations of employers and chambers that are representative at the national level. Representatives of the Government shall be appointes by Government of the Republic of Slovenia.


5. Management organs

Presidium / Bureau / Cabinet / Other: Please specify role, composition, designation :

The President of the ESC and his deputy are appointed upon nomination of partners. The groups (trade union confederations, labour associations and government) take turns in nominating the president and his deputy. Each of the group has a right to one year term of office. Within each of the social partner group the members can agree to subdivide this into shorter periods


Assembly General / Plenary session / Other: Please specify role, frequencies of meeting:

ESC members usually meet in plenary sessions, with meetings held either at the request of one of the groups of social partners or at least once a month. The ESC president convenes and chairs the sessions. The agenda is set by the ESC College. ESC College is in charge of the organisation of the work of the ESC, and consists of the ESC President in office and a representative of each of the other two partners.


General Secretariat: Please specify role, composition, designation:

The ESC administration is run by its secretariat-general, which also ensures that suitable working conditions and any necessary technical support are provided. The secretary general of the ESC is a civil servant appointed by the ESC and paid by the government.


6. Operational arrangement of the Permanent Secretariat

Yes ✅

No ☐


7. Gender balance (% of women)

Between 0% and 9% ☐

Equal or more than 10% ✅

Equal or more than 30% ☐

Equal or more than 50% ☐


8. Reporting Institution

Government ✅

Parliament ✅

Cabinet of President ☐

Cabinet of Prime Minister ☐

Ministry of Finance ☐

Ministry of Labour ☐

Ministry of Social Affairs ☐

Others (please specify):


9. Budget

Amount :

Between $0 and $249,000 ✅

Equal or more than $250,000 ☐

Equal or more than $500,000 ☐

Equal or more than $750,000 ☐


Source of funding: The ESC has not a special budget. The funds for running the ESC are provided by the government.


III. Organizational Structure


1. Committees/Sub-committees/working groups:


The Expert Committee on Labour and Social Affairs,

The Expert Committee on Finances and the Economy,

The Expert Committee on the Organisation of the State and Public Affairs

The ESC may set up negotiating teams for decision-making on any particular issue.


2. Is there in your country any institutions of social dialogue outside your institutions?



IV. Functioning of the ESC


1. Who convenes the Institution? ESC president.


2. Has the Institution a legal right to issue own-initiative opinion? Yes.


3.How are decisions taken inside the Institution

By vote ✅

By consensus ✅


4. What kind of payment do the Councillors receive: wage, compensation, other?



5. Is the Government obligated to follow the opinion issued by the Institution?

The government is an equal partner of ESC.


6. Is the Government obligated to report on the fate of the Institution opinions?

The government is an equal partner of ESC.


7. Are there official publications of the Institution opinions?

ESC website


8. Is the public opinion informed about the Institution works? How?

ESC website, media conference after the ESC session, responding to media questions


9. What kind of relationship does the ESC have with civil society?

Part of the Institution ☐

Institutionalised relation ☐

Uninstitutionalised relation ✅

Collaboration ☐

Participation in the drafting of reports ☐

Nothing at all ☐


V.Main technical areas of competencies


Agriculture :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Civil Society :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Corporate Social Responsibility :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Culture :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Education and Training :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Employment policy and labour market regulation :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Environmental Policy :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

European Affairs :ESC sessions: discussing key documents of the International Labour Organisation, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Council of Europe, and other similar institutions in the European Union and other international organisations; discussing key documents of the European Cohesion Policy, … (according to competences of the ESC)

Financial and Economic Policies :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Fiscal and Taxation Policies :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Fundamental principles and rights at work :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Gender equality and anti-discrimination :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Governance :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Health and Medical Policy :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Infrastructure, Transport, and Energy Policies :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

International affairs :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Labour Law reform :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Legal Affairs :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Productivity and competitiveness :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy and Industrial Policy :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Social Affairs :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Social Dialogue and Tripartism :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Industrial relations and Collective bargaining :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Dispute prevention and resolution :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Social Security and Social Protection :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Territorial Management :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Workplace compliance and working conditions :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Youth Employment :ESC sessions, expert committees and negotiating teams: monitoring, discussing and participating in drafting documents, forming opinions, positions and proposals (according to competences of the ESC)

Other :


VI. Brief description of major results obtained by your Institution in the last 3 years


Please give examples (Recommendations issued, Reports, Collective Agreements concluded, Conflict prevention and social peace obtained, National policies or legal frameworks including recommendations, Reform of your institution) and attached relevant documents

Positions, decisions, and opinions shall be published on the ESC website or in other media determined by the ESC.


Map Location

company map
20 Gregorčičeva ulica, Ljubljana 1000, Ljubljana

Contact Persons

General Secretary
Mitja Gorenšček










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