International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

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Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Presents its AICESIS Presidency Report



On October 31 – November 1, 2023, Moscow held a regular session of the AICESIS General Assembly. Lydia Mikheeva, President of AICESIS and President of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, presented the final report “Living in the Online Age: Looming Challenges and Urge for Solutions”, prepared to sum up the Russian chairmanship in the Association, to the members thereof within the framework of the General Assembly.


 The report is a fruit of two-years’ work by leading national and international experts, representatives of government and social institutions of the AICESIS member states, civil society activists and business representatives and opinion leaders of the modern digital sphere. It presents an analysis of key issues of the global digital agenda in the socio-economic sphere, summarizes the experience of national jurisdictions of the AICESIS member states in such areas as digital inequality, protection of human rights in the world wide web, and, in particular, protection of the rights of minors, improvement of digital literacy of various population groups, digital sovereignty, ethical problems arising due to the introduction and use of modern technologies. The final section of the report contains recommendations prepared by the participants of the core events on the key tracks of the Civic Chamber of Russia presidency of AICESIS in 2021-2023. The work carried out demonstrates that AICESIS should become one of the most important platforms for dialog on human and society interaction in the digital environment.


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