Algerie - National Economic and Social Environment Council- NESEC
Business Details
Institutional characteristics
1. Establishment
- Date of creation: 06 November 1968
- Year operational: 1968-1970
- Nature of the texts that create the institution (Constitution, law, decree, etc.):
- Have any changes in recent years happened concerning the nature, membership, capacities of the Institution.
The NESEC was promoted in 2021. Thus, it became a center of studies and research as well as a decision support tool. In addition, it appropriates the environmental dimension. NESEC in replacement of NESC is committed to environmental issues and fully involved in sustainable development and energetic transition.
2. Mandate
Consultation and advisory ☐
Negotiation ☐
Both ✅
3. Mission and attributions
- Involvement of civil society in national consultation on economic and social development policies.
- Continuity of dialogue and consultation between National Economic Social and Environmental partners.
- Assessment and study issues of national interest in the economic, social, educational, training and higher education fields.
- Formulation of proposals and recommendations related to public affairs.
4. Composition :
- Number of members: 200
- Duration of the term: 3 years (renewable once)
- Membership categories:
- seventy-five (75) for economic sectors, social and environmental;
- sixty (60) for civil society;
- twenty (20) as qualified personalities designated; “Intuitu personae”;
- Forty-five (45) in respect of administrations and state institutions.
- Process of designating the members (election, nomination, by whom, etc.):
- Software dedicated to the selection of members according to the requested criteria.
- Election
5. Management organs
Presidium / Bureau / Cabinet / Other: Please specify role, composition, designation :
Assembly General / Plenary session / Other: Please specify role, frequencies of meeting: 1 session buy two months
General Secretariat: Please specify role, composition, designation:
- President - plenary session - bureau – permanent commissions (seven 7).
- The plenary assembly of the Council meets, in ordinary session, four (4) times a year, when convened by its president.
- the secretary general directs, animates and coordinates the activities of the structures of the council
6. Operational arrangement of the Permanent Secretariat
Yes ✅
No ☐
7. Gender balance (% of women)
Between 0% and 9% ☐
Equal or more than 10% ☐
Equal or more than 30% ✅
Equal or more than 50% ☐
8. Reporting Institution
Government ☐
Parliament ☐
Cabinet of President ✅
Cabinet of Prime Minister ✅
Ministry of Finance ☐
Ministry of Labour ☐
Ministry of Social Affairs ☐
Others (please specify):
9. Budget
Amount :
Between $0 and $249,000 ☐
Equal or more than $250,000 ✅
Equal or more than $500,000 ☐
Equal or more than $750,000 ☐
state budget
III. Organizational Structure
1. Committees/Sub-committees/working groups: Committees
2. Is there in your country any institutions of social dialogue outside your institutions?
National Civil Society Observatory
IV. Functioning of the ESC
1. Who convenes the Institution?
President- Prime Minister
2. Has the Institution a legal right to issue own-initiative opinion? Yes.
3.How are decisions taken inside the Institution
By vote ☐
By consensus ✅
4. What kind of payment do the Councillors receive: wage, compensation, other?
Wage, compensation
5. Is the Government obligated to follow the opinion issued by the Institution?
6. Is the Government obligated to report on the fate of the Institution opinions?
7. Are there official publications of the Institution opinions?
8. Is the public opinion informed about the Institution works? How?
Yes, by council official website and the official journal when the report is published
9. What kind of relationship does the ESC have with civil society?
Part of the Institution ✅
Institutionalised relation ☐
Uninstitutionalised relation ☐
Collaboration ✅
Participation in the drafting of reports ✅
Nothing at all ☐
V.Main technical areas of competencies
Since the Council discusses topics upon social partners´ interest and request, all the mentioned fields are subject of discussion within the Working Teams and Plenary Session.
Agriculture : The ESC approach to the sector is in terms of "territoriality of public policy" which is measured by the efficiency of added value to the concerned territories.
Civil Society :
-Reports on the associations, the professional organizations and the labor unions action.
- The civil society organisations are considered as a part of a solid partnership in all the process of ESCs studies in terms of territorial approaches and the implementation of territorial projects. The Civil society is always associated for accompanying the studies process to know the state of territories and territorialized public policies. Its support in the implementation of territorial projects is appreciated.
Corporate Social Responsibility : ☐
Culture : Study on the cultural economy
Education and Training : Report on mechanisms of Teaching the STEM and English in the School.
Employment policy and labour market regulation : Report on employability and the outputs of professional training
Environmental Policy : Elaboration of models that analyze the links between the systems balance of the energy and the economy under climatic constraints.
European Affairs : Studding the impact of European policies on the Algerian economy and how to improve the economic corporation.
Financial and Economic Policies : Evaluate & monitor the implementation of public policies aimed at improving financial inclusion and financial intermediation; Advising the government on the implementation of policies aimed at developing domestic financial markets and the private equity industry;
Fiscal and Taxation Policies :
-Elaboration of a model that aims to design an optimal economic (monetary and fiscal) policy through a coherent strategy that effectively combines the objectives of monetary and/or budgetary operations. In other words, the pursuit of complex multiple objectives through the formulation of mixed policies. -Evaluation of national tax policy (oil and ordinary taxation, tax collection, etc.) and their evolution and impact on economic development.
-Study of aspects of international tax treaties established in the framework of economic cooperation and development.
-Assessment of national fiscal policy and its degree of influence on the performance of the national economy
Fundamental principles and rights at work ☐
Gender equality and anti-discrimination ☐
Governance : Studies on territorial governance, which designates a mode of local territorial management. It is based on the mobilization of human resources, on the capacity to regulate a territory within the framework of a partnership system with multiple actors. It ensures that political, social and economic priorities are based on a broad social consensus and that the voices of the poorest can be heard. Review the extent of state interventions in the economy; Advising the government on issues related to reinforcing the state regulatory and supervisory roles.
Health and Medical Policy : Development of analysis notes on the state of children’s health and the mother. Elaboration of notes on the demographic situation in Algeria
Infrastructure, Transport, and Energy Policies :
- Evaluation of public policies related to the housing sector, tourism, the local government and transport;
- Provide council members with all information dealing with water, oil, energy and gas;
- Produce reports and notes on the economic situation and energy issues (evolution of the world oil and gas markets)
- Elaboration of studies and reflections in the energy field;
- Participation to international meetings and workshops related to the energy field, especially those organized by the World Energy Council
International affairs : Studying the impact of the international affairs on the national economy and how to get opportunities in the foreign markets.
Labour Law reform ☐
Legal Affairs ☐
Productivity and competitiveness :☐
Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy and Industrial Policy : Studies on the national innovation system
Social Affairs : Evaluation of child-sensitive social protection programs; Measurement and analysis of multidimensional poverty.
Social Dialogue and Tripartism ☐
Industrial relations and Collective bargaining ☐
Dispute prevention and resolution : Current works with the UNDP on the file of Mediation in Algeria which is a practice and a discipline which aims to define the intervention of a third party to facilitate the information circulation, clarify or restore relations after conflicts.
Social Security and Social Protection : Food Price Monitoring Analysis (FPMA) as part of the strengthening the National Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CNESE) statistical and information capacities. The CNESE has taken action to install a price monitoring and analysis system food
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) :
-Tahat is a project developed with the support of UNICEF and the collaboration of CSF (Community Systems Foundation) as part of the Data 4 All initiative, for the benefit of CNESE. The Data4All initiative is a global and an important tool for monitoring the SDGs and achieving, under the best conditions, the 2030 Agenda.
- Preparation of the national human development report (Theme of the report: Economic development in relation to education)
Territorial Management : The imperative of territorial coherence is now imposed on public intervention in terms of planning and development at both national and local levels. Precisely one of our main missions is to analyze the relevance of territorial coherence in Algeria. The CNESE must bring out not only an inventory for each specific territory but also the issues and challenges, the major trends as well as the long-term development scenarios. The objective aimed is to establish a close link between spatial planning and sustainability and make the latter a priority concern for any intervention in the field of spatial planning.
Workplace compliance and working conditions ☐
Youth Employment ☐
Other :
-Report on social and economic impact of Covid-19 on small companies.
-Report on the Covid impact on families
-Studying the Possibility of creation or development of companies.
-Algerian Public Procurement: appreciating foreign companies that can get involved in the realization of major projects of national interest.
-Commodities Market analysis -Study of economic agents’ behaviour
VI. Brief description of major results obtained by your Institution in the last 3 years
Please give examples (Recommendations issued, Reports, Collective Agreements concluded, Conflict prevention and social peace obtained, National policies or legal frameworks including recommendations, Reform of your institution) and attached relevant documents
The work of the NESEC during the last three years essentially consisted of:
- Organization of meetings and seminars on current topics in order to exchange good practices and take advantage of international experiences to support the process of reforms that Algeria is committed to achieving in the years to come.
- Drafting of notes on themes relating to the board's area of intervention (environmental, economic and social).
- Give opinions on finance bills, investment code.
- Report on the economic, social and environmental state of the nation 2020.
For more information on the NESEC and its recent publications, please consult the official website:
- The Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa (UCESA)
- Arab League of Economic and Social Council- LACESIS
Algerie - National Economic and Social Environment Council- NESEC